Inspiration Behind Block.Delete.Repeat

*** Block. Delete. Repeat. poem provided in last post**

At the time I was on a blocking streak. If I were to get the wrong vibes... BLOCK! If someone was hitting my line way too many times and I'm not responding... BLOCK! If I felt as if someone held no substance in my life... BLOCK, BLOCK, BLOCK and that was final.

But for the most part my x inspired me to write this poem when I did. He thought sh*t was sweet. He believed that no matter how he treated me I wouldn't leave him because I loved him soooo much 😒... Ya damn skippy. One day he pushed me to my limit. I cut him off with the swiftness and blocked him on every social media site possible. Half of me did this to be petty and the other half was making an adult decision. I realized that the "love of my life" was merely a toxic being that prohibited me from receiving my blessings. After I cut ties with him things really started looking up for me. Everything in my life was progressing and I never felt better. Even though I wanted to get on camera and show how great my new incredible life was without him I didn't because I had to humble myself.  Truth of the matter is he wouldn't be able to view any of it due to the fact that he was blocked and forever will be blocked. Because why? Ya girl is living twice as better without him.

I wrote this entry to encourage you all to do the same. If you are second guessing whether or not you want to deal with something majority of the time it is best that you dead the issue. Whether it's a toxic relationship or friendship I want you to LET IT GO. I know it is in us to hold on to something or someone we care about because we are so afraid of losing it or them but if the disadvantages outweigh the benefits why bother? Why risk your emotional, mental and/or your physical health on a toxic individual. They don't deserve to ruin your happiness, they don't deserve to be apart of your life, THEY DON'T DESERVE YOU. You owe it to yourself to drop them like a hot pocket and ignore their existence because they shouldn't have the luxury of being present and relevant in your world. God only put them there as a test of your strength. Once you break that unhealthy relationship or friendship you will walk away much more stronger. That weight on your ankle will no longer pull you down. 

Let go, let God. Hit them with the ...

and watch those blessings come flying your way. Trust me. 👌


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