Living My Best Life !
I've come to the realization that life is way too short! You may be alive and well today then BOOM there you are lying dead at your open casket funeral tomorrow. Many people that have passed didn’t know that the day of their death would be their last day waking up. Those of us that are still alive are not much different. Being that tomorrow is not promised why not live life to the fullest!? Why not start that business now or go sky diving or buy that bag you’ve always wanted? Why not do it now? Really, what are you waiting on?! The only thing that is truly holding you back is YOU. You are in control of your life. If you really want to do it, do it now. Not tomorrow but right this minute.
It all starts with changing your mindset. Break up with procrastination and excuse-making, it's a very unhealthy relationship. I swear I’ve treated procrastination like my best friend. For example, this blog. I’ve wanted to create this page since 9th grade. I have held off on doing so until last semester, my first semester in college. After I created the page I felt a sense of relief and joy because I broke out of my procrastination and stopped making excuses. I finally did something I’ve always wanted to do and people absolutely love it. If I decided to keep holding this off I would never feel so satisfied with the direction my life is going because I held myself from opportunities. These days I treat procrastination like a long-lost cousin rather than a long term best friend. If there’s something I want or know that I have to do I start working on it as soon as I have the time to because there’s really no reason to wait.
I’m able to live my best life because I go about my days thinking, "If I were to die tomorrow will I be satisfied with how I decided to live today? Will I be content with the choices that I've made and things that I've experienced? Most times I find myself questioning: "Is there anything I'm going to regret not doing?" If you see an opportunity you want to take on don’t be afraid. Just go for it! If you want to give someone a compliment do it, if you want to dye your hair.a crazy color, or go on a diet, get a tattoo, write a book etc. Anything of that sort take on the task and see how you like the results. All in all you won’t know until you try. So forget all about your worries and in dive head first. JUST DO IT! (Lol i’m not sponsored by Nike but Nike if you see this give me a call π)
Once I learned that my life is what I make of it I’ve started to take on my bucket list day by day. I make everyday a great day because I am doing the things that I’ve always wanted to do and I started living with no regrets. If there’s something I’m doing I’m acting upon it because it’s my life and my choice. I live freely now and I’ve found myself to be the happiest I’ve ever been. I walk around now with this can- do attitude and the positive energy that I put out has always been returned back to me in my favor.
Most importantly I just want to say, “Enjoy life today, don’t leave anything for tomorrow.”
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